Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The first days in Tsikago

Alright, finally the thing we've all been waiting for. The first real post from the land of the free and the home of the brave.

The great journey started already on 22.5 Friday. The Dukes of Funland started their engines and headed to Vantaa for a good night sleep (4h) and a great meal (baguette)

DAY 23RD (Still in fuNland):

The Dukes pack their shit and get their asses to the airport. All goes well so far or so the Dukes thought. Juval loses his papers just right after he passes the security check point. Way to go!! 165km away from home and already the fun starts! :) But no worries, he finds it soon after convincing the Duke of Mateness aka Sakari that it's not lost but just misplaced.

But he finds it. Oh joy!

The next screw-up the Dukes manage to cook up is after they get to Heathrow airport so that would be 3 hours later. Sakari passes the UK border line. Damn, it's the wrong way! Not there! The officer at the desk points out that the right way is a bit further. The sign "No Entry" with big red letters is apparently the right way. Sakari needs to find his way back through the security check to the international area. Well he's a smart boy as we all know, so he does and also he manages to dazzle the security guards to letting him bring 1L of liquid through the check point. As it happens that liquid is Salmiakki Koskenkorva that we bought from duty free :) Now the dukes can't leave that behind now could they.

So then great flight over the big puddle. They meet with a Moldovan guy. Jada jada. Sleep, movie, a guy on crack, book, sleep. bla bla, book and finally after 8 hours of horrendous pain. TSIKAKA! The dukes make their way to the chicago's public transportation trains after picking up their bags. And then they fuc*up again. They manage to go backwards with the train. There's a construction going on on the tracks. So the train starts moving back to O'Hare airport. "Oh" they both mumble while looking deeply into the others eyes. That's why everyone else left the train. (note: sentence a bit faggish)

Finally HI Chicago hostel once they find it fairly easily with the excellent orienteering skills of Duke Sakke. They get phones set up right away and here are their phone numbers: Sakari +17738084454 and Juval+17735436407.

Because of the tiring dipr, the boys are a bit like brain dead zombie like creatures. They start walking around the city streets for some small sight seeing. This is what they found in Millennium park.

After a good beer at the park the dukes retire to their hostel!


After waking up the boys start heading to their couch surfing buddy Parker's place. There's a birthday going to happen tonight and luckily the Dukes were invited. Or not so luckily to the other guys. Anywhoo, some sushi is involved and some beer and wine. Then the dukes already get their first cultural experience at the T.M.L.M.T.B.G.B (Too Much Light Makes The Baby Go Blind) theater.

The dukes agreed it was some great stuff, 30 plays in 60 minutes. At the theater Juval gets sprayed with serpentine in the face and Sakari jumps on the stage to snatch a dollar. Go figure who got the better deal. Then after the improv they head to a friends place to spend the night drinking astronaut shots and listening to the the ukulele (thanks Tim and Haley) After some heavy drinking people got tired and it was time to go home. But nah... things couldn't end easily now could they.

Justin's car.

The Dukes had jinxed the party by being there!! Sorry Justin. The Finns are really sorry about this. "Our bad"? Justin's car broke down in the middle of the street. But anyway... happy birthday? We love you! And Tim thanks for throwing us back home.


Time for some true Chicagoan pizza! The true delight of the windy city. What a delicacy :) The dukes find them selves in a pizza place in Belmont. Oh yeah, 2 slices each and they're done. The 2 cm thick cheese layer kills hunger easily or kills you. Either way, nobody needs more than 2 slices.

In this picture: Ana and Haley

Next everyone heads to Joanna's place. Time to get some wine and get this party started! Joanna has some funny beards from her beard party before. So what the hell, let's use them again.

In this picture: Ana&Joanna&Sakari&Juval

After again some wine and other drinks. The people need to get home. Justin as being such a nice chuckle fuc*er throws the Finns back home. But funnily enough he get's pulled over. The Dukes make their first encounter with the police. Oh yeah! The Dukes jinxed the party again! But nothing bad happens due to excelent handling of the situation. We drive off safely without any tickets.

Well that concludes the story so far. Stay tuned for some more later on! Thanks Ana, Casey, Erica aka Fuc*ing A!, Haley aka ukulele, Jason, Joanna, Justin aka "my bad", Lisa, Parker and Tim, so far it's been real! Thanks!


  1. I've always wanted to see TMLMTBGB and now you guys have beat me to it! Try to stay out of trouble, alright? ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Heh, just out of curiosity, what else have you wanted to see? Maybe we could do those things as well ;) No worries, these people are very nice - no trouble in sight!


  4. No trouble in sight?! So you don't see neither a mirror nor Sakkari around?! :p

  5. Well that's of course excluding us my dear :P

  6. dukes, one week without comments?! We wanna know what's going on there! ;)
