Sunday, June 14, 2009

Roadrap episode fifty-one

Tue 9.6.

We have to heartily thank Miranda and Evan for taking us into their home, as that clearly was the optimal way of spending time in NYC, and it was the bomb seeing all the other likeminded CS'rs there as well :)

Miranda and her hugenormous bag (she's going to Europe, teh fool :)

Evan eating a critter (Sakari says they taste stale)

Some other people who were staying/living at the same place: Ernesta (who has stayed there for quite a while, and she's been given permission to host 2 CS'rs as well:), the Korean girl Shin who likes to drag a stuffed dog with her and who is also working in NYC while staying there, Joseph, the guy who programs Flex at Manhattan and lives in a tent on the balcony, Amanda, the girl from Trinidad and Tobago with crazy hair-dos, Natalie, the Russian capoeira-girl who found a job from a restaurant while we were there, Cyril and Florian, two french guys whom we met too briefly but who seemed like the most cool kind of guys, Antti, finnish guy from Tampere we fleetingly met, Kaisa and Tuuti, sisters who got maybe a thousand suitcases full of stuff, and. And, err, I guess that was it. It was too bad we didn't get to know Miranda better, but Evan was teh hot shit so to all CS'rs out there: recommended place to crash, I mean, surf.

Cyril, Florian, Nat at the back, Ernesta, Shin, Sakke

Morning jog at the nearby track! We take Ernesta with us, since Cyril has her on a diet. After that Juval writes up the latest blog post (the previous to this one). It takes about a million years, it seems like whole species evolve and die while Juval writes.

Next we head down to get the N97 from the Nokia shop, after which it is time to check out Union Sq, where we have some sushi with Richard. We visit Macy's, try to find shit to buy, which we don't, but our souls do get sucked straight out of our bodies by this grandmother of shopping centres. We are drained.

Heading back to the Brooklyn penthouse we run into Evan and Sonia, who are going to Williamsburg to see a pre-screening of a beginning tv-series "Food Party", which seems to mostly be about an oriental girl getting married to herself while dancing with life-size hot dogs and corns and cucumbers and stuff. In a word: Interesting. Weird.

Ad somewhere in the labyrinthine subway system

Day's finished by a round of cards, Sakari wins all of Juval's money in poker and Amanda ends up as the donkey.

Wed 10.6.

Had a healthy last evening so we continue it by having a jog in the park nearby. Ernesta slacks so just the dukes go. Park is full of squirrels. Afterwards it is T-Mobile complain time, we get the msgs working with the new Nokia again, and then it is Brooklyn Bridge-time. See?


Had to be quick there.. ;D
Edit: I lied. The guy can stay up there for a year. I had a nap and a sandwich before I took the photo.

I got me a retard follower

Brooklyn Bridge, Sakari's POV

Brooklyn Bridge, Juval's POV

After loads of walking and sightseeing we take a nap at "home" and then go get some food stuffs from the nearby mall (pathmark), and have a pizza + ice-cream party. And some 'staches.

On our way to the food store, Amanda's getting a ride


Natural Günther, also known as Evan

Shin is there too, but Juval's beautifully formed face is in the way. Evan is the official face-ice-cream-stuffer-man.

Checking for the next CS-experience, I do not know what Juval is up to

Thu 11.6.

We sleep long, after which begins the longest drive towards Miami yet. Before we go Ernesta shows us the mad skillz of a pillow juggler. All three pillows in the air, at least once!


Nat and breakfast

2400 km to go and Philly, Washington and Norfolk to see. Alternated driving, red bulls, Philly and the Liberty Bell, nap, sandwich, Washington and the White House, Washington Monument, Capitol Hill, driving, napping, red bull, sandwich, Norfolk and Martin, quick bar-visit, Walgreens and a cooler, driving again, Lady Gaga is bluffin with her muffin on the radio, red bull, ka-BLOW! After a night of driving; Miami!

Foggy start from the Brooklyn

Philadelphia - Liberty Bell

Don't know

Washington Monument

Tried to take a nice picture of Capitol Hill - monkey in the way

Same monkey?


Washington Monument

Juval was not aware of the text.

Walking man.

Thinking man.

Find Sakari

Never returning to Washington, DC :)

Vietnam memorial wall (surname Lahna there)

Martin and Juval, and our brand new Walgreens cooler with its accompanying ice
(about 2 o'clock am here, 750km behind + philly and washington)

That's what we had left leaving Norfolk - 300km driving per person, and switch - worked nicely

Fri 12.6.

Minna-Leena, this half Finnish girl is waiting for us with Salmiakki in hand, of which we have to partake.

Minna-Leena is the one in the middle (!)

She lives with her roommate Rocki in the Coconut Grove, which, according to her, is the second most popular place to live in in Miami. Rocki comes home and we go see Scotty's Landing, bar for natives located somewhere in the Marina amidst a trillion big boats. Dolphin sandwiches and Beck'ses later we change to a Piano bar. Which is nice.

Rocki the roommate and Minna-Leena

Zoolander faces! Minna does "La Tigra" and Sakari the "Blue Steel".

Minna-Leena is not sure, Sakari is going somewhere and Juval is amazed.

Action shot!

Sat 13.6.

Eva, a french girl from the Silicon Valley arrives. All four of us go check out the Miami South Beach, have huge salads and then it is nappy time at the beach. Too hot to be still though, so Juval and Sakari mostly spend the time in the water. We spot a shark bout 10 meters away. Sakari goes "Look! Big fish.", while the guys next to us start running towards the shore. Finnish people have no concept of fear of sharks it seems, but we start to stroll towards the shore nonetheless.


Huge ass salads

Small video from the South Beach restaurant

Eva the CS'r, Minna-Leena and Juval being gangsta (Ocean Dr)

Eva is terrified of the speed ;)

Did you know it costs more to make a penny than what it is worth?

Rocki makes great pasta with chicken, sun-dried tomatoes, asparagus, and all kinds of secret ingredients, and we stuff ourselves with it, before heading to Cabana 1, a roof top bar on top of a tall hotel in Coconut Grove.

Dinner party

Re-re on a short bus (check out that face!)

Victory just before the face plant

Minna-Leena has some friends over there, so we meet up with Patrick, Marcy and Shannon. Patrick's a Formula 1 and World Rally nut, so we get to speak of Räikkönen and Mäkinen, of whom neither Sakari or Juval know much. But, still, stuff to speak about. Vodka with a splash of cranberry is the thing to drink.

Shannon, Marcy and Minna-Leena at Cabana 1

Juval, Minna-Leena and Patrick

Eva is concerned this might be rude :< It just might get cold at the roof top, so it is nice there is a fire place..

Sun 14.6.

Sleep late, stop by at a local restaurant to eat some brunch, and then it is shopping time. Fast visit to the Barnacle grove first.

The Barnacle

Shopping - Free Hugs and Not Listening

More hats

Much Respect

We found some cool (read: stupid) t-shirts, so not all of the shopping went to waste. Day ends with sushi downtown, and as Sakari writes this he listens to Minna-Leena and Juval having an argument about updating Minna-Leena's Blackberry. Tomorrow it is an oil change for the car, maybe Everglades and then to Key West for sure.

To all stray peeps out there, much respect! Tap on the nuts! We out.


  1. key west... gotta go and do some bad-ass fishing there! ;)
    here sitting at f***** work, outside clouds, rain and 10 degree celsius. waht about midsommer in the US?! Anything special there?

  2. you rock dudes!
    upload more stupid short vids they are my favorit

  3. Johannes: we're going to go on a boat trip tomorrow and do some deep sea bad-ass fishing :D
    It's about 30-35 degrees, so i'd say kind of warm so kind of nice :) We haven't decided anything yet what to do for the midsummer. We'll think of something.

    Asaf: more stupid vids coming right up :D

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Woah guys... this is some serious shit. How come I wasn't aware of the existence of this blog earlier ~_~


  7. Sakke here with Juval's login, can't be arsed to relog.

    Johannes - I do not know, tell the others who do not know as well .) like. everyone.

  8. Shalom!

    Really love to read your roadtrip blog :) Seems you're having fun & loving every minute.

    Lots of good luck wishes to your journey. Stay healthy and keep up the good text :)

    Hugs, Tarja

  9. Shalom gam lach.

    We are enjoying every moment of this trip. Keep reading the blog and we'll keep on updating it :)

    Currently in New Orleans. We went and checked bourbon street quickly. Tomorrow we'll hit the town for real.

    Take care now!
