Saturday, June 20, 2009

The vague crazy nights of Kiwi West and Orlando

Ok, sorry about this guys, it took a while to write this one and every day new material just kept coming. Enjoy the massive post. Hopefully :)

Mon 15.6

Time to move along. Miami is now done and we can cross that from our list of places to see. Thanks Minna-Leena & Rocki for showing us around and hosting us.

Blogger 1 and Blogger 2 on the road again

On the road again, we're on the road again. Woohoo. Sakari grabs Cierra by the horns and we're off. Warp speed Mr. Nahi. Engage! After 3000 light kilometers that would equal to 1 km (reference: Google) of warping around we take Cierra for a small oil change. She's done really good job so far taking care of us so we thought we'd return the favor. Once she's all oiled and lubed up ;) we continue our way down.

A cool guy with a very cool car.

A diagonally challenged cool guy with a very cool car.


Singing while driving.

Hi mom.

Bending your knees is optional!

We were supposed to see the Everglades but the sunset on our way won our hearts. We decided to do the mosquitoes and crocks later. We sing Finnish songs all the way down to Key West with our top down. People just laugh and smile when they see and hear us singing. The feeling is just overwhelming. We have no words to describe it. This is what we came for, this is our dream. Total freedom and no worries, I guess this is what you would call a vacation.

Islands, bridges and boats later...

We finally arrive in Key West. Check into a youth hostel and head to town. We check out some bars but there really isn't that many people around on Duval street (btw excellent name for a street). On our way back to the hostel we get stopped by these 3 bums sitting by the curb. They play us a song and ask for some money. One of bums claims to be from Bergen. He says to one of his hobo friends: "Gimme some spit" and the guy spits into his mouth. We're like wtf is happening over here!?

Btw we're so sorry we didn't get the situation on video. Looking at these guys we think of nothing more than Bumfights videos. :) Too bad we didn't have any booze to offer them ;) Then the Bergen bum says he knows this cool bar just around the corner with a cool pool. We go and check it out and find ourselves in a gay bar. Oh yeah! First night in key west and we're already checking out the gay bars. Well first things first I guess. :)

Tues 16.6

We wake up from our crappy youth hostel and decide it's time for an upgrade. Juval is a bad boy and steals the soaps! Muahahh. We check out couple of motels and end up in Blue Marlin motel. We decide it's time rent us some wave runners.

Phun as hell!!!

After playing around with the jet skis for a half an hour we go around the island little bit. We visit Hemingway's house & the cats and see the southernmost point. After we got the tourist stuff out of the way and seen all the sights time to hit the bars. We rent ourselves some bicycles and cycle around. In the end we find ourselves in Dantes bar & restaurant and have a couple of beers.

Heming ways and what's his face?

We had a sudden urge for Cuban cigars.

Driving around the island.

After all that food but just a couple of beers ;) we go to Mallory Square to see the shows and the beautiful sunset. It's amazing. We hang around the area for a while before going to Duval street. Then it's party time, crazy time = good times :)

Mallory Square view.

Mallory Square sunset

One of the shows: The Great Rondini.

A small preview of Mallory Square

We get back to the room eventually in the morning and do some redecorating. Strange stuff... Sakari gets the munchies and the result is well... hmms.. bread facial mask :D We heard it's really good for after sun effects :)

Some monkeying around the town.

The facial mask.

The room just after one night.

Wed 17.6

Juval wakes up 7:45 in the morning ready some deep sea fishing. Something goes wrong, I guess the poor guy is still a bit messed up from yesterday. He only manages to put on his clothes and falls dead flat on the bed again and sleeeeeeepps.

Well so it happens, we miss the deep sea fishing trip. When we eventually wake up we go down and ask from the reception if we can stay for one more day. Goes well we get to stay for couple of more days in paradise, oh yeah!

We grab our stuff and head to the wharf since we had booked ourselves a sunset snorkeling trip earlier. We snorkel in two different locations and see a shark and in the end the trip, we watch the sun go down in horizon. Nice!

Here fishie fishie..

More fishie fishie...

A manatee?

Needs head :)

Sunset in key west

Not enough pictures of the sunset.

Relaxing after snorkeling.

Bubba the shrimp boat captain.

Back in town again and head to bars. We stop at Irish Kevin's for a couple and watch the performer teabag a customer and she was so happy about it. Interesting :) We decide that it's time to change bars. We go to Sloppy Joes where we see a guy headbutt a girl. Again quite interesting happenings going around.

We continue walking around Duval street and people come up to us and stop us shouting FINLAND GUYS! We get worried for a moment have we done something wrong but apparently we're just damn nice guys and famous in key west ;)

We step into Ricks Bar for a moment to dance for a while and our way back we the bouncer jumps on this guy on the stairs. The wimpy bouncer chokes the even wimpier drunken guy until he falls face down the stairs. I guess it's not proper to stop the guy and ask for a picture but it would have been some good blog material :P

We start heading back to the motel and on our way back we decide to stop by the local CVS to buy some bananas. We end up throwing one right after we step out of the store, trying to aim on one another, which obviously was a great idea at the time.

We also were lucky since there was a guy with his truck outside who sees that we're missing one banana. He goes in his truck and gives us a new one - such nice people the Americans. We love you guys!

Sakari makes friends with a celeb(?)

Look mom, no hands!

The night is still young. We don't feel like sleeping at all. We get back to our motel and go swimming. Then we get an excellent idea that why should we only swim in our own pool when there are 100 other free pools out there. So we go pool hopping and it works kind of ok. We only get kicked out of couple. :)

Look - it's a floater!

Somewhere in the pool jungle.

We continue our late night journey through the streets of Key West and find a girl on her morning walk. We walk/jog with her, just wearing our swimming trunks for quite a bit and talk crap with her at the same time. I guess we to bed sometime 6:30 or so...

Thu 18.6

The alarm clock goes off at 7:50 in the morning. It's time for that long wanted deep sea fishing. We're both tired and fighting the will to stay in and sleep. Juval hangs on and leaves the apartment. He goes and checks the place out but it's fully booked. Damn, schaisse and merde and everything in between! Well, he has to do something because he's already up. Eventually he finds a party boat. Sounds good, eh? The boat does all day trips with wave runners, wind surfing, snorkeling, kayaking, parasailing, water skiing and some other stuff. Juval is sold, he's going to do exactly those things. All of it!

(Can't seem to get the pictures out off the CD, sorry guys)

Mean while Sakari back the motel wakes up around noon. He searches and finds some new places to stay once we get going from key west and then gets going downtown. The lonely ranger goes to the already so familiar Dantes restaurant to say hi to our friend Jack or as we know him better Jaclyn. We meet up later that evening at Dantes.

We meet some guys from the coast guard and one of the guys challenges a random girl to a belly flop contest. Actually this is the second belly-flop, the first one Sakari had his finger on the camera eye :( Gladly the people at Dante's do a re-take.

Belly flop - coast guard style.

We eat up at Dantes and Jack buys Juval a drink called Grannies Panties so he would wake up a little bit after all sleeping just 1 hour. We spend a good night with friends. Juval rides a mechanical bull and does the full time He also loses his phone which later is found in Sakari's pocket. Thanks guys - it was fun.

Grannies Panties, Jaclyn and the Viking king.

Fri 19.6

We wake up. Juval is not feeling that well so he stays in and sleeps a bit longer. Sakari notices his credit card is missing. Shait! Eventually Sakari remembers he left it to a bar. Yes, to A bar but which bar? Sakari goes credit card huntin' while Juval continues sleeping. We meet again for some food and drinks at Dantes pool bar. Mean while Sakari has got to know almost the whole bar.

A tall viking king, viking peasant James and Allison.

From Dantes we make our way to Finnegan's Wake pub. We have some drinks in the Irish pub and end up singing on stage. We meet this lovely little lass called Diane over there and she decides to party with the crazy Finns. We paint the town red once again.

On stage singing badly.


Curls, Diane and Juval (Not necessarily in that order)

On our way back we meet Pete from Ireland again. He is the man if you want a fun body rub (guaranteed to feel relaxed afterward - only for 18+). We stop briefly at the hot dog stand and this guy looks at us funnily. The stand keeper says to us "Look at those psycho killer eyes" and we totally agree.

Another set of psycho eyes.

Some frog lickin'

Sat 20.6

We sleep late. The week has really drained us. Juval starts finally writing the blog while sakari sleeps. We head to town finally in the evening to develop our snorkeling pictures and to get some food. We go to Mallory square to smoke our cigar and to conclude our east coast trip. It's been so good, we have no words to describe the feelings. But now it's time to move on... and it's towards west!

I think this guy needs some braces.

Sea monster

It can't get better than this...

One month of traveling behind us. East coast is now done.
We are heading west, finally!

Ps. Mom sorry for smoking! I miss you! <3>

Sun 21.6

We wake up at 8 and went to get some shitty breakfast. Oh god, why did we wake up for this crap, muffins and other cakes. The time hits 11 it's time to check out from the Hotel. We start driving towards the Everglades and get stuck in this huge traffic not too far from key west. There's some road construction going on, again like everywhere all the time. We're sweating like crazy in our bad azz convertible. That air condition would be worth a 12 567 dollars right now.

You silly Americans, you're supposed to build
the bridge the whole way :)

We finally arrive to the Everglades and notice a Air boat ride. Oh yeah, hell yeah! That's what we need to do. We hop on and do the 40min trip around place and see some gators and wonder how would you taste like. Well lets find out shall we. It's time to eat some gator! First though we talk some shit with the local hick and crack some jokes. Then on the same place they sell gator tail as a dinner so we grab too of those and find it's quite tasty.

Air boat ride

Standing amidst the alligators.

God damn tourists :P

Moving along, Orlando! Disney world. After some driving we get to Orlando finally. It's 21 something and we wonder if we could go to the park right away. We definitely want to pass on the massive queues and hordes of people. We learn from the web that if you're staying inside Disney World you have 3 extra hours to spend in the park - Magic Hours! Let's do it! We find our selves a Hotel. To be as fortunate as we are the Hotel we get is called Love Bug. What more can be more satisfying than two guys staying in that Hotel. Well after we finally the first shock passes we get the room and a quick shower and run back to the car and drive of to Magic Kingdom!

Magic Kingdom phoon.

This picture has no value what so ever...

So nice.

By the way as a side note, the roads in Disney World are bigger and better than in Finland anywhere! Go figure how big is the place. It's totally nuts. Finally Magic Kingdom and we do the best rides they have. Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad are the best ones we reckon.

Riding cars in tomorrowland. This ride is more
for kids.

Smoked turkey leg. Yam yam.

We meet this nice but short guy called Eric just outside Splash Mountain. He takes us in front of the line of Splash Mountain and gives us some pictures free of charge. Damn you Americans are so nice! And on top of that Eric says he's going to take us and give us free passes tomorrow to Epcot theme park. We can't believe this guy. Well we'll see what happens tomorrow. The park closes at 3 am and the Magic Hours are done. Time to go to bed.

Eric in da house.

Inside Splash mountain. Crazy.

Mon 22.6

We check out from our Love bug Hotel and head to Epcot Theme park. We meet Eric there and start going on the rides. It's great! Eric takes care of the fastpasses and we almost don't have to queue at all.

After all day in Epcot and when Eric needs to go to work, we decide to go to the Kennedy Space Center. We hop in our Batmobile and punch in the Kennedy address and drive off. We drive about 20mins and end up nowhere. First time the navigator directs us totally wrong. We also check from the Internet that the Space center closes at 19 so we wouldn't have any time there to see the place. New plans are made: find a motel, go back to Disney World, visit the Space Center tomorrow and drive through the night to New Orleans.

World showcase - phoon

You have to be this high to ride Michael. :)

We find a ok motel pretty fast using Sakari's baby N97, check in and sh*t and drive off to the wonderland again. We go to Hollywood Studios Theme park this time and see this ridiculously amazing show called Fantasmic. It's a must see for everyone in Disney world. After that show we try to make it to see the fireworks back in Magic Kingdom. We end up seeing the final 2 seconds so i guess we got the best part.

Sakari has a new cool hat.

Go Mickey, go mickey!

Somewhere from the middle of the show.

Finally we go and say bye to Eric and thank him for the free pass to all the theme parks. We see the wacky light parade while talking to Eric and his friends. After some time, Eric agrees to come to the Space Center with us. It's time to go back to the Motel and get ready for the new day.

The light parade

Light parade video.

And this is sideways-Kurt (Eric's asshole friend, but still a weirdly cool guy).

Tue 23.6

We wake up at the motel. It's time do some washing. Some of us have flipped their underwear over too many times already but anyhoo we go and get Eric and drive off to the Kennedy Space Center.

We're actually here!

Eric lying on the floor taking a pic.

We take the tour that lasts for 2 hours. It might seem long but actually it was quite interesting. We see the shuttle launch pad, the crawler that is used to transport the shuttle or orbiter as they call it. We do all the rides that we can and have time to do. At the visitor center there is a ride called shuttle launch, it wasn't really that bad but we we're a bit disappointed.

The re-res in the bus.

Too bad they didn't launch today.

We drive off to the Astronaut Hall Of Fame that has a bit more rides. Juval does the G-spot Stimulator, Sakari does the flight stimulator and a shuttle thing and Eric just wonders around the whole place.

Btw 4G is peanuts!

Eventually we have to say good buy to Eric and take him home. He is a jovial young chap with no tolerance to spinning rides at all. But it's all OK. We forgive him :) We drop Eric at his place and start our journey to New Orleans! Feels good to be on the road again!

A small drive from Orlando to New Orleans.

Sunrise, Cierra and a homeless person inside the car.


  1. Damn you guys! It almost seems like you found heaven on earth! ;) But you missed the deep sea fishing.... I was hoping to see some great pictures of that... How disappointing ;) Well guess we just gonna have to do some deep sea fishing in Juupajoki ;)

  2. Yeah! I know we did miss it. I tried to go there couple of times with no luck. We'll next time or something ;) Would have been nice to catch a huge ass Marlin or something.

  3. well, maybe you'll have to content yourself with a 10 cm ahven from a finnish lake then :p

  4. yumpu does the gator meat tastes like chicken?
    try takeing pictures with more light!!!!
    damn those stupid vids:) hahahahahah
